Here are my mobile web apps for various purposes. They are optimised for iPhone or iPad, but could work on Android and Windows Phones as well.
A weight-to-volume conversion web app for cooking, a form of digital scale in your smartphone. It's in Swedish.
A generator of lockscreens for the iPhone 5. Write a text, select a colour or an image (the plus), and generate!
An app for testing the randomness of a die. Just throw it about 500 times and then you know if it can be trusted!
A statistical calculator for the board game "Stone Age". The number of men you send to a specific resource determine how many dice you will roll. The number of dots on the dice plus the number of axes are divided by the resource number to see how many resources you will get. This app calculates the statistical expected value of the number of resources you will get!
This was made for a movie night when a lot of people were ordering pizza. Instead of wasting paper to take up the orders, I made this app! All right, I admit the movies weren't that good so I was really bored. And the app needs the menu to be usable, because you enter the number on the menu and the name shows up. It's optimised for iPad.